Shipping  & Returns


We ship orders to all US states and territories. Your order will be shipped via USPS Standard Shipping (unless you select to expedite). Once your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email that will notify you of the carrier and the shipment tracking number.


How soon can I expect my order?

Foreign Look is printed on-demand. Printing and binding requires 4-5 business days, after this delivery can take 1–2 weeks for orders within the US and 4–8 weeks for international shipments depending on your location and local customs.

Please note international orders may be subject to import duties and customs taxes. All incurred charges are the responsibility of the buyer, as Foreign Look has no control over these. Any questions on customs policies must be made to your local customs office.


What should I do if I don’t receive an issue?

Please write to our customer service team at

Where does Foreign Look Magazine  deliver?

Foreign Look ships worldwide. Unfortunately, if you’re unable to locate your country in the list of shipping destinations, we are unable to fulfill your order at this time.


Why are international shipping and handling costs higher?

We print and ship from the US, hence the higher shipping costs to international destinations. We are always looking for ways to save readers expensive shipping and handling costs, so we are working very hard so our readers can have option to find a copy of Foreign Look in you city.


What forms of payment are accepted?

Foreign Look accepts most major credit cards.