Which issue will my subscription start with and how many will I receive?
Subscriptions are determined by our publishing schedule and start with the next issue to be released after the date of subscription. You’ll receive a total of two print magazines over the course of your subscription.
My subscription has ended. How do I renew?
If your subscription has ended due to cancellation or payment failure, you can purchase a new subscription here. Please note it is not possible to extend or renew existing subscriptions manually.
What are the benefits of subscribing?
Subscriptions give readers more access than ever, including the newest issues of FOREIGN LOOK arriving at your doorstep two times per year.
Can I cancel my subscription?
To cancel your subscription, please e-mail foreignlookmagazine@gmail.com with the name and e-mail linked to your subscription. This will prevent recurring payments but allow your subscription to continue until the end of its duration. In this case, you may continue to receive issues of the magazine unless requested otherwise.
I’ve relocated since subscribing. How do I change my address?
Please e-mail foreignlookmagazine@gmail.com with the name and e-mail address linked to the subscription, in addition to your new shipping address.
Unfortunately, we are unable to reroute any issues that have already been shipped. If this occurs, we are happy to provide you with a replacement for an additional fee.
To ensure that your copy of FOREIGN LOOK arrives smoothly, we ask that you notify us of any address changes as soon as possible.
Do subscriptions auto-renew?
Subscriptions will auto-renew on the day that they are due to expire: one month after the date they are purchased.